Meditation might sound scary if you haven't practiced it on a regular basis, or ever. It is an incredible tool to help you to regulate your nervous system, and to get you  back into your body.

THE FOUNDATIONAL TRAING ON MEDITATION WILL INCLUDE: THE HEART PRACTICES: Joy, forgiveness, compassion, equanimity, sympathetic joy and a basic practice in tonglen.

An important point of meditation is to cultivate a relationship with your 'inner ecosystem'. When we are confronted wth a stressful situation, meditation gives us a momentary pause or breath, so we no longer have to be as reactive. It's a 'must have' tool for anyone struggling with parental alienation, estrangement, erasure and disconnection from loved ones.

Get free guided meditations to start your healing journey. You will also receive free trainings and workshops on meditation throughout the year.

✔️ A free guided meditation, concentrating on the breath.

✔️ A free joy, forgiveness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity meditation that works with anyone from whom you are alienated, estranged, erased or disconnected

✔️ Directions on how to do a walking meditation.

✔️ Access to a monthly Q & A on meditation, and how to work with it as you traverse this challenging time.

✔️ An overview of meditating in the community, and why this is beneficial.

Meditation by itself is life changing! When you add community it elevates it to a whole new level. Come join our robust thriving community and take meditation and healing to a whole new level.


Meditation has changed every relationship in my life, especially with my daughters and family. It has given me the opportunity to pause, listen and really hear what people are telling me. It is a practice, and takes time to develop. You get out of it what you put in, as with anything else meaningful in our life.

Sometimes my mind takes me on these crazy journeys into "what if's", and "what did you do?". Or, "you should have done this or that". Meditation gets me below that noise. As I practice, I drop more quickly into this space. It resets my nervous system, and gives me some perspective as to what is actually going on, and not just what my mind wants me to believe.   -Lawrence Joss Director at PAA

Please click this button to learn more

"Meditation is something that I use to 'drop into' my actual body. It helps me get below my pain and struggles, below the noise, and into my core. I have had so many wonderful 'aha' moments from this place. My family comments all the time that I have changed and seem so much calmer. I am grateful for this new tool, and I highly suggest it if you are new or old to this struggle."

anonymous alienated Mom of a teenager.

"Meditation is something that I use to 'drop into' my actual body. It helps me get below my pain and struggles, below the noise, and into my core. I have had so many wonderful 'aha' moments from this place. My family comments all the time that I have changed and seem so much calmer. I am grateful for this new tool, and I highly suggest it if you are new or old to this struggle."

anonyomus alienated young adult

Don't miss this opportunity to grab these free resources, and get into the pool of people who receive free trainings, and access to workshop webinars.