Having support as you are navigating the highways of disconnection, estrangement, parental alienation and being erased from your family's life is paramount to building a support community of people struggling with different forms of disconnection.

✔️ Do you have to continuously explain your story and what is happening with your kids and/or grandkids?

✔️ Does it seem like your own family can't support you along this journey?

✔️ Do you feel isolated and alone in your struggle?

✔️ Have you tried therapists, attorneys, other support groups and every other imaginable strategy to get some support and some relief?

✔️ Do you feel hopeless, dazed and confused?

You no longer have to struggle alone and isolated. Parental alienation anonymous ( is a proven healing framework, based on Al Anon Family Groups. Al Anon has been around for 70 years, has saved countless lives, and healed countless families.  The best part is the PA.A program is free, and available right now.

 Welcome to our supportive, loving recovery based community.

Our mission is to help as many parents and grandparents as possible traverse the incredibly challenging terrain of parental alienation, estrangement and disconnection.

Our PAA community is incredibly kind, welcoming, and grounded in recovery. The most important part of recovery is establishing an integrated emotional and spiritual relationship with yourself. This is the beauty of the 12 step framework. It's a discovery process of who you are, and what you can do to improve as a person. From this point of internal transformation we get to re-establish connection with all of our loved ones. This work is the ultimate gift to our kids, grandkids and family. Come and join us in recovering ourselves in order to recover our families.

learn more about 12 step groups and recovery

"I couldn't sleep, I couldn't work and functioning on a daily basis was so hard. I was so tired and didn't know what to do. Parental alienation anonymous has changed my life. I have a community, I have friends that understand what I'm going through, and support me in such a different way than my family. My family reflects back how much I am changing, and showing up differently. It's been an amazing journey over the last 5 months"

anonymous alienated mom of two teenage boys.

"I love the 12 steps. I am in another 12 step fellowship as well. This particular 12 step has changed my life and saved my relationship with my 14 year old daughter. We went through a crazy year of limited visitation accusations and turmoil. I now have her 50% of the time and we are fully reintegrated in each other's lives. This would not have happened without the support of PAA. My sponsor is awesome, and the friends I have made shared so much experience with me that I didn't need to make the same mistakes they made. Join, try it out and it's free."

anonymous previously alienated dad of a 14 year old daughter.

Start attending support group meetings today!!

Sign up below to get a weekly email with meeting times, links and resources. You will also be notified of free foundational trainings in NVC (non-violent communication), meditation related to alienation, family systems training, and everything else that is happening in our community.