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Hi, I'm Dr. Mandy


I was born into a family with numerous generational themes. Beyond my family, societal norms and systems reinforced these patriarchal ways of being. I know you can relate!
Like most children, I was resourceful and created different ways to navigate my world. These strategies were useful as a child (to protect me) but as an adult they kept me from living fully.
Unbeknownst to me these patterns/themes laid the foundation of my nervous system. I kept recreating my family of origin wherever I went. I wasn’t picky about where – in a class I was taking, friendship circles, my intimate relationships, at work, and even with my pets. (Oh, the stories I’ve got about these! 😆)
I lean towards logic (with a side of boho). So, I was driven to figure out and understand my own behavior and world.

So began my healing journey...

I spent a looooooonnnnggggggg time in school getting degrees in psychology, counseling, and even got my PhD. I healed tremendously by understanding and unpacking my world.
I also learned that understanding and awareness can only get you so far. Yes, it's essential to utilize the cognitive and make logical connections. And we need to incorporate all aspects of who we are for lasting healing. ✨
My body and spirit (the boho) wanted to be engaged too. So, I completed a year long training in integrative body psychotherapy (IBP). This embodiment journey is where I really started to make traction with my healing. Deep real lasting healing.
💫 Today, I shine brighter. I take up more space. I live in my body. I feel safe within myself (what a gift!). It’s not 100% of the time, however, I’ve learned to dance between connection and disconnection. I know how to get back to myself.

I’ve learned to come home to myself.

Come home to yourself. 

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